Evening of Song
Our class performed beautifully at the Evening of Song. Thank you to all who came out to support the class.
Mother´s Day
We hope you all enjoyed your Mother's Day gifts. The class did a wonderful job and were very proud of their presents.
This month we did a lot of review of a variety of concepts. Students went outside to construct various angles as well as created spinners for probability games.
We continue to work on perfecting Perfect Paragraphs! Many students are still struggling with editing their work to be sure they have included the proper format, punctuation and spelling.
We have started our unit on Plants and Soil and last week the class created "seeds" and tested how they are dispersed. We have started growing some plants in our class and were excited to see roots taking hold yesterday. The students are also completing a plant project on Google slides. They have selected a plant of their choice and are describing how it looks, where it grows, special features, etc. They are including maps and diagrams in their report. You can see their progress and offer assistance by having them log into their Google Drive at home.
Bike Rodeo!
Heritage Village:
The permission forms for the Heritage Village trip on June 23rd went home today. Please complete the forms and return with payment as soon as possible.
We have just two days left to complete the EQAO testing. The students have been working enthusiastically and I am very proud of the effort they have put into it (even though they know it does not affect their school grades!). Our classroom has also never been so quiet!
Student Assessment Folders
In the next couple of days I will be sending home their yellow assessment folders. This contains work that they have completed throughout the year. Please look over it with your child. They do not need to be returned.
Virtual Reality:
This month the class was able to test out a state-of-the-art virtual reality headset. It was overwhelming to some as it is so realistic, but they greatly enjoyed it.
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