Friday, January 18, 2019


Public Speaking is soon approaching.  Your child has begun work in class to start their speech with lessons (or will soon be given) on brainstorming, creating an outline, tips to feel comfortable, and strategies to write and deliver interesting speeches.  Students now have more of an idea how to pick a topic (ideally at this grade level one that you have some background knowledge and/or experiences with.
I would like students to pick a topic by Monday.  The expectation is that all students will write and present a
speech that is minimum one minute in length.  Some students may consider writing a speech that is between
3 and 5 minutes in length if they are interested in being considered for Legion Public Speaking Contest.
This will take place at the beginning of February. The writing obviously involves teacher support.  Most
speeches involve some research to build content.  We have discussed how you do not copy out of a book or
off an internet site.  As a student reads through information, he/she should be pausing regularly and monitoring
his/her comprehension of information and then stopping and jotting his/her learning down.  It is from these
notes that the student would then go back and write the speech. If you would like to support your child’s
speech writing efforts, I would ask that you read information over with your child and support the stopping
and jotting of important ideas and information so that your child has “rough notes” to work from. If you have
any questions or concerns, please email me.  Have a great weekend!

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