Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Owl Pellets

Today, we dissected owl pellets with Mrs. Bubbles.  The students showed great patience, taking their time to reveal all the bones.


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Pink Shirt Day

Tomorrow, Wednesday, is Pink Shirt Day.  The pink shirts symbolize that bullying is not tolerated.  


Last week students realized the importance of snowshoes when travelling through deep snow.  It was a hard walk even with snowshoes on (especially trying to get over the high banks)!  We were amazed to see how deep some of our trees were covered with snow.  We discovered a tree that had exploded in the cold temperatures!  

3D Structures

We are just completing a unit on 3D shapes and students have been building structures during math centre time.  

Roller Coaster Forces

Students have been investigating forces the past few weeks.  This week we built roller coasters to explore energy and gravity.