Friday, January 26, 2018

Cracker Math

To help reinforce the class's understanding of perimetre and area, students investigated the dimensions of shapes using Cheese Nibs.  A fun and yummy activity!

CO2 Cars

We were lucky to observe the grade 9 construction class racing cars they had constructed.  This was perfect timing as our class is currently studying forces in Science.  

Dirty Dishes

On Friday we had a wonderful performance and a singing workshop by Dirty Dishes, a country-folk trio.  The students loved the music, especially the song "Every Road."  Check out their website!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

PJ Day Friday

Drumming Workshop

On Friday we had a drum circle with Lori Fithian, a friend of Ms. Davies.  Lori is a drum circle leader from Michigan.  She has her own business called Drummunity.  Please check out her website at




Due to the snow days, book orders can still be returned tomorrow. 

Friday, January 19, 2018


Scholastic Book orders are due Monday, January 22nd.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Social Studies

This week we began our social studies Google Slide assignment.  I have shared the project outline, as well as an example, with them on Google Drive.  You are welcome to support your child with the assignment at home, but we will be having lots of class time to complete it as well.  

Google Drive

Cover art
Google Drive Instructions

Dear Parents,

This year your child has been working with the Google Education interface, most notably, Google Drive and Google Slides.  Some of the students have had prior knowledge of its set-up, while others are learning their way around this format for the first time.  Here are some instructions for you so that you can follow your child’s progress and also sites I will send them during the year.

username:  <<lastnamefirstinitial>>
password:  three digits (repeated) ____________________

Logging In
There are various ways to access your child’s Google Drive.

  1. One way is to download the Google Drive app on your mobile device (e.g., iPad, cell, etc.,)
  2. Go to the Google search engine from your computer and click on the Sign In icon, sign in with the username and password above that your child already knows
  3. Search Google Drive on the Google search engine

Once logged in, you can view your child’s work in My Drive, and other work previously completed.

The sites I will send them for different learning endeavours can be found during the year under the Shared With Me tab.  

Monday, January 15, 2018

Class update

We have been reading a variety of narrative (fiction) and informational (non-fiction) texts about snow.
Students are learning how to identify different genres(types) of texts and are working towards writing
their own multi-genre text.

We have just completed a unit on shapes.  After learning about “Snowflake Bentley” (the first person to
photograph snow close up, we reviewed the amazing hexagonal shape of snowflakes to wrap up our
unit.  We have just started a unit on measurement.  On Friday, students competed to see how far
paper airplanes they made would travel.  Nathan won the challenge as his plane travelled over
11 metres.

Social Studies:

The grade 2 students have been reading about children from specific countries around the world and
summarizing information they have learned.  The grade 3s are completing mini-books about the three
landform regions in Ontario.  Both grades have been learning how to use Google Slides in order to
prepare for a research report about these two topics that will be assigned soon.

This week we had a performance by Megan Jones.  A former MCS student and now professional violinist.

Some pictures of what we have been up to!