Thursday, November 23, 2017

Reminder: International Day/Canada Day

Friday, November 24th is International/Canada Day.  Wear clothing from another culture or red and white to celebrate Canada.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Subject Update

We have finished reading Fenway and Hattie for the Global Read Aloud.  Students are now working on writing their own story from a dog's point of view.
We have started a unit on Data Management.  We are looking at pictographs and bar graphs.
Social Studies
We have been discussing the importance of rivers to human life and where people choose to settle.  Whether in Ontario or around the world.  This week we learned about 3 large rivers in China that support 450 million people and 25% of the world's animal species. 

International/Canada Day

Friday, November 24th is International/Canada Day.  Wear clothing from another culture or red and white to celebrate Canada.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Thank you to everyone who came out last week to celebrate your child's learning.  It was wonderful to hear so many positive thoughts, but even more heart-warming to see the pride in your childrens' faces as they showed you what they have accomplished so far.  Every student has made progress since September and they are an amazing group to teach!  Although this is the only formal interview date this year, please keep in contact if you have any questions or concerns or simply want to visit the classroom.  


Pizza orders are due tomorrow.  This is the last week for fall pizza lunches.  Next week will be the new winter session. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Report Cards

The Progress Reports went home today.  Please sign and return the bottom portion of the back page along with the envelope.  


Image result for pizza clipart

The new order form for the next session of Pizza Days has been sent home.  Please return the form or submit your order online by November 22nd if your child is wishing pizza.  

Friday, November 10, 2017

Book Fair

Our class will be visiting the book fair on Tuesday morning.  

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Swimming tomorrow

Just a reminder that we have swimming tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Book Orders

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is the last day to submit book orders.  

Monday, November 6, 2017


Today students worked on research skills.  They examined a newspaper with articles about Animals in War.  Small groups became experts on the different contributions animals have made to Canada's war effort and then presented their findings to the class.  We will continue to work on research skills and media forms for the rest of the week. 

Students have been learning to round numbers to the nearest 10 (grade 2 and 3) and the nearest 100 (grade 3).  They have been working with open number lines for support. 

Students are working on posters for Remembrance Day.

Legion Poster Contest

The students began a poster today for the annual Legion Poster Contest.  Students are required to have parental permission to submit their entries so a permission form went home today.  Please sign it and return by Wednesday if your child is planning on entering.  

Parent - Teacher Interviews

Parent - teacher interview schedules are now available on-line for parents to sign up for interview times on either November 17th or November 18th.  There is a note that went home today regarding the process.  If possible, I would like my students to accompany their parents to the interview so they can guide parents through the work they've been completing in class. 

I will also be available at other times, should the on-line timing not work well for you.  Please contact me by email as soon as possible to set up an alternate time.  

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Swimming tomorrow and class photos.