Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Upcoming Events

Last Pizza Day
Wednesday, November 30th is the last day your child will receive pizza from the previous round of ordering.

Winter Pizza Orders
Please order by Wednesday, Nov 30th for pizza starting on December 8 to the end of February.  You can pay online at rcdsb.schoolcashonline.com (preferred!) or send the money into class.

Movie:  Finding Dory
Finding Dory - Friday, December 9th@ MCS, doors open @ 5:30, movie @ 6:00. Cost $5.  Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

Hour of Code
The week of December 5-9, I have signed the students up to participate in the worldwide event, Hour of Code.  This yearly activity introduces children to the world of computer programming, an important career which many of our students may someday have.  Have a look at code.org/learn if you'd like to learn more (and play)!

MCS Art Show
Starting December 21, your child will have a piece of art displayed at the MCS Art Show downstairs at the public library.  We will be going in the new year to check it out but feel free to stop by during appropriate library hours to support your budding artist!

Mackenzie's Interact Club is looking to support Child Poverty Action Network's annual snowsuit drive. Donations can be dropped off at Mackenzie Community School or at the foyer of the Town Hall.  Items will be sent off before Christmas, so please deliver before the 21st of December.  Due to the large demand for children’s winter clothing, CPAN must purchase some items— therefore, monetary donations are also welcome via their website:

Sunday, November 20, 2016


Thank you to everyone who came out last week to celebrate your child´s learning.  It was wonderful to hear so many positive thoughts, but even more heart-warming to see the pride in your childrens´ faces as they showed you what they have accomplished so far.  Every student has made progress since September and they are an amazing group to teach!  Although this is the only formal interview date this year, please keep in contact if you have any questions or concerns or simply want to visit the classroom.  


It appears winter weather is finally upon us.  Please be sure your child is dressed for the elements as we often spend up to 30 min outside in addition to recess.  An extra set of mitts and socks are always a good idea!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Book Fair

Our class will be visiting the book fair on Tuesday, November 15 during our library time.  You are also welcome to come with your child another day.

The hours are:
Mon-Thurs: 8:15-9:30
Thursday: 4:00-7:00

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Parent - teacher interview schedules are now available outside the school office for parents to sign up for interview times on either November 17th (after 4 PM) or November 18th.  If possible, I would like my students to accompany their parents to the interview so they can guide parents through the work they've been completing in class. 

Please contact me by email, through the agenda, or by phone if you are unavailable on the 17th or 18th and we can set up another time that is convenient for you.  Also, please contact me if you are unable to make it in to sign up and I can book a time for you.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Character Education Assembly

On Monday at 2:30pm, the Character Ed committee will be running an assembly.  There will be no awards handed out this year, instead they will be having a fun slideshow and presenting information.  Anyone is welcome to attend.

Harvest Soup

Today the students built a harvest soup.  Everyone got a chance to chop and peel.  We had the perfect amount of vegetables, herbs and seasoning.  The soup turned out wonderfully!  Some students had 5 bowls!!!  A special thank you to Mrs. MacDougall for bringing in a lot of the supplies, instructing the preparation and making fresh bread to go along with it! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


We have moved on to a unit in Measurement in math.  Students are expected to select the appropriate unit of measure (cm, m, km) to record distances.  Today, students took pictures of items and then created a collage in an app called Pic Collage.  On the collage, they had to identify what unit they would use to measure the object.

Stone Soup

Image result for stone soup
In class we have been reading and discussing the book "Stone Soup."  In the book, a village works together to make a soup and come together as a community.  As a class, we are going to make soup together on Friday.  I have asked the class to bring in 1 or 2 vegetables, or spices to add to our soup.  Please send the items in either on Thursday or Friday.