Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Building challenge

This week, local scientist John Wills, joined our class to challenge the students to build a structure. They were given 16 foam cubes and 30 toothpicks.  Their structure had to be 20cm tall and support a 500ml container of water. We had two groups that were successful!  


We have been working on more complex patterns in class. Students were encouraged to build patterns where not just colour or shape change, but where the number of items, the position and/or the direction changes.  We are also working on growing patterns. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Natural structures!

After a discussion about the natural materials in our woods that we could build structures with and a lesson on safety, the class headed outside for some building. Groups used different strategies (collecting first, etc) and design techniques to construct a structure of their choice. We had bridges, shelters, and animal homes. They did an amazing job.

Purple and Gold

Wear purple and/or gold tomorrow to support the MCS Mustangs football team. We are hoping to go watch for a little bit. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


We have library every Day 2. This week that is tomorrow. Please return the library books so another can be signed out. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Bridge Building

Students have been learning about structures. Following a discussion on the planning and construction of The Golden Gate Bridge, students attempted to build bridges with only 2 sheets of paper. They used text books as the landform to span. They tried different methods and then tested them with pennies until they failed. Many held over 100 pennies, some held over 300!! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


We have started a unit on patterning and students are practising finding the sums and differences of numbers in order to extend patterns. They have been learning to "count on" to find the difference, or the gap, between numbers. Some have been using mental math, number lines ("how many jumps between?"), or fingers ("start with your fist closed and count up on your fingers until you reach the next number"). Whatever strategy works! This skill is helpful when trying to find a missing number in an equation (see the second sample below).

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Today we began learning about strong and stable structures. After some discussion about what a structure is, and a physical experiment on what makes it stable, groups worked to build their own structures. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First Day!

What a wonderful class we have! We had an action filled day - testing out the new outdoor classroom, measuring each other, and building structures cooperatively. I was amazed at how well they worked together. Tomorrow we will be writing about what we didn't do on summer vacation. This can be a somewhat more interesting and creative spin on the traditional recount of summer vacation.